View Profile ChineseBoar1995
I am music-maker, lyricist, singer, piano/guitar/drum/pa rt-time sax/horrible violin player, actor, wanna-be big-time actor/writer/directo r of movies, and most importantly: somebody.

Billiam @ChineseBoar1995

Age 30, Male

Student, for now...

WRHS (figure that one out)

Somewhere in the house :P

Joined on 8/22/08

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990 / 1,110
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ChineseBoar1995's News

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - January 9th, 2009

Hey Newgrounds!


That's the rating I got when I posted my 4th song on Newgrounds today. That's a first for me.

I'm surprised

Go ahead. Check it out. And please comment if you have the chance.

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - January 3rd, 2009

Hello Newgrounders!

Okay, here's a little question I'd like to ask you all. It's not hard. Just use your imagination.

If you were sitting in a room and randomly your fairy godmother appears, what would you do?
Here are some example options:
a. Make a wish
b. Ask questions. See if she's a fake
d. Stop smoking that pot your friend gave you

Take your time. And yes, I'm bored.

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - January 2nd, 2009

(Here's an excerpt from George Carlin's book "Napalm & Silly Putty". It's sort of a dedication to him ever since he died I think. So, enjoy!)


Here's something we all have in common: flying on big airplanes and listening to the announcements. And trying to petend the language they're using is English. Doesn't always sound like it to me.


It starts at the gate: "We'd like to begin the boarding process." Extra word. "Process." Not necessary. Boarding is sufficient. "We'd like to begin the boarding." Simple. Tells the story. People add extra words when they want things to sound more important than they really are. "Boarding process" sounds important. It isn't. It's just a group of people getting on an airplane.
To begin their boarding process, the airline announces they will preboard certain passengers. And I wonder, How can that be? How can people board before they board? This I gotta see. But before anything interesting can happen I'm told to get on the plane. "Sir, you can get on the plane now. " And I think for a moment. " On the plane? No my friend, not me. I'm not getting on the plane; I'm getting in the plane! Let Evel Knievel get on the plane, I'll be sitting inside in one of those little chairs. It seems less windy in there."
Then they mention that it's a nonstop flight. Well, I must say I dont care for that sort of thing. Call me old-fashioned, but insist that my flight stop. Preferably at an airport. Somehow those sudden cornfield stops interfere with the flow of my day. And just about at this, they tell me the flight has been delayed because of a change of equipment. And deep down I'm thinking, "broken plane!"
Speaking of potential mishaps, here's a phrase that apparently the airlines simply made up: near miss. They say that if two planes almost collide it's a near miss. Bulls***, my friend. It's a near hit! A collision is a near miss.
"Look, they nearly missed!"
"Yes, but not quite."
Back to the flight: As part of all the continuing folderol, I'm asked to put my seat-back forward. Well, unfortunately for the others in the cabin, I don't bend that way. If I could put my seat-back froward I'd be in porno movies.
There's also a mention of carry-on luggage. The first time I heard this term I thought they said "carrion," and that they were bringing a dead deer on board. And I wondered, :What the hell would they want with that? Don't they have those little TV dinners anymore?" And then I thought, Carry on? "Carry on" Of course! People are going to be carring on! It's a party! Well, I don't much care for that. Personally, I prefer a serious attitude on the plane.
Especially on the flight deck, which is the latest euphemism for cockpit. I can't imagine why they'd want to avoid a colorful word like "cockpit," can you? Especially with all those lovely stewardesses going in and out of it all the time.
By the way, ther's a word that's changed: stewardess. First it was hostess, then stewardess, now it's "flight attendant." You know what I call her? "The lady on the plane." These days, sometimes it's a man on the plane. That's good. Equality. I'm all in favor of that.
The flight attendants are also sometimes referred to as uniformed crew members. Oh, good. Uniformed. As opposed to this guy next to me in the Grateful Dead T-shirt and the F*** YOU hat, who' currently working on his ninth little bottle of Kahlua.

(if you wanna see more, go buy the book!)

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - December 31st, 2008

All I want to say is:

Hey Newgrounders!!!

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - December 30th, 2008

Hello again Newgrounders!

Here are some more ideas for flash/audio making:
1. Dead Space
2. A series that is something like Foamy's Rants series, only you use George Carlin ideas (see book called "Napalm & Silly Putty" by George Carlin)
3. 10,000 B.C.
4. Newgrounds Guitar Battle (should include Pico, Tankmen, Salad Fingers, Piconjo, Hank [from Madness Series], maybe Egorapture's Snake [see Metal Gear Awesome], and others I forgotten their names)

That's all can think of. If you guys are using these ideas, please contact me!

With all due respect,
Billiam (ChineseBoar1995)

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - December 29th, 2008

Hello Newgrounders!


It's surprising how 365 days have passed in 2008. And it's already 2009.


So many things had happened during these months:
1. Our first black president (HOLY MOLY!!!)
2. Many hit movies out like the Dark Knight and Tropic Thunder
3. The deaths of many famous celebrities, including Heath Ledger and Paul Newman (if you didn't know him, he's the guy that played in a movie called "Sting")
4. The announcement of Jay Leno's switch to NBC (whatever), thus cancelling his show
5. The Beijing Olympics
6. Russia invading some country I forgot it's name (I think it was Russia...or was it Iraq?)
7. The Bush/Shoe incident (heh heh heh)
8. The neat games that came out like Fallout 3 and Dead Space
9. How some wise-assed scientists nearly killed us all by crashing two atoms or something like that to recreate the "BIg Bang" therory, but if screwed up they whould of made a black hole sucking us in thus killing us
10. Me joining Newgrounds
...and others in which I don't know about.

It's really surprising. It's...It's...
Wow. (that word is starting to get boring)

So Newgrounds, lemme ask you all a question:

What do YOU think will happen in 2009?
Seriously. Be honest. I won't take dumbass remarks though.

Please answer if you guys/girls can.

With all due respect,
Billiam (ChineseBoar1995)

ps: happy freaking new year. I'll see you all at 2009. :)

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - December 25th, 2008

Merry Christmas! Happy Quanza! Happy Haunika! Happy New Year!

...and don't eat the yellow snow.

...unless that yellow spot is lemonade. Then you can eat it.

With all due respect,
Black Jack/Billiam (ChineseBoar1995)

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - December 24th, 2008

Here are some ideas I thought up of in case flash artists are gonna use it for 2009.

1. Left 4 Dead
2. Fallout 3 (maybe)
3. Jump by Van Halen (music video)
4. Horror movies (ones that scare the living hell out of you)
5. Spawn (yes the movie)
6. A remake of the Yellow Submarine movie
7. Turok (pending)
8. The Wicker Man

I'll probably post more ideas during these final days of the year and maybe after Christmas break I'll porobably submit some more audios. So I hope you Newgrounders have a Holly Jolly Christmas and a Happy New Year.

With all due respect,
Billiam (ChineseBoar1995)

(ps: this was something I drew on paint. It's a bit messy but that will be my new wall paper I guess.)

Ideas for 2009.

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - December 21st, 2008


Alright, enough this crap already. It's been at least twenty one days being restless waiting for Santa to come through the chimney. (but if you live in a trailer or a hotel...I'd say he'd knock)

This week and last week has been real s***y (it's not "silly", you dumbasses out there who probably jokes about this), mostly because of the ice storms, power loses, long waiting of school vacation, three days (so far) of some kind of snow storm, and probably the worst thing of all plowing the driveway (which is probably 1/4 or 1/8 of a mile). And if you live somewhere in Massachusetts, USA; you guys know what I mean.

Still, we still got that holiday spirit going on in ourselves. We're singing Christmas carols out on people's porches (no one does that to me, but I bet it's annoying), making some last minute Christmas shopping, chopping down the greatest tree ever, and eating off every candy cane that's been hung on your tree.


With all due respect (my favorite closing),
Black Jack (The Smartass)

PS: People who are in the 8th grade wanting to move somewhere: can you please move to Berkshire County? It would be really nice to meet new people.

PSS: Please check out my 2nd song I made!

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - December 18th, 2008

Hello Newgrounders!

Last week, our school band did a concert. Our school band did okay, a couple. Here's the website.


(PS I did Sweet Child O' Mine with another band. I'm the lead singer.)