View Profile ChineseBoar1995
I am music-maker, lyricist, singer, piano/guitar/drum/pa rt-time sax/horrible violin player, actor, wanna-be big-time actor/writer/directo r of movies, and most importantly: somebody.

Billiam @ChineseBoar1995

Age 30, Male

Student, for now...

WRHS (figure that one out)

Somewhere in the house :P

Joined on 8/22/08

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ChineseBoar1995's News

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - November 27th, 2008

Hello Newgrounders! (and a happy Thanksgiving to all)

Yesterday, I bought the new zombie game called Left 4 Dead. It was pretty neat and pretty scary. I find the most terrifying character is the Witch. It sucks really bad when everything you thought would stay there for the rest of the game, but apparantly everything doesn't stay in one place forever.

There are however I like to point out and make fun of. I thought about this a little bit when I started playing it. It is quite useful to make a good flash and use these ideas. So...

1. The boomer. Yes the fat, ugly one. Doesn't remind you of the Pillsberry Dough Boy? And instead of good cookies and danish at you, it spits out some smelly goo that attracts a whole bunch of other zombies whom I think they think the smell is some nice "cookies" and "danish".
2. The tank. No, not the zombie one. An actual tank that's been driven by a zombie. (it would be pretty stupid though, right?)
3. The witch. One thing I don't get is why the creators called it the bitch. (Cause, you know, it always crying about something and if you disturb it it gets pissed off. Thus the name the bitch.)

Also one thing I'd like to shout out is the music I was working on (in fact, a whole bunch of em) might take a little longer to submit, maybe after New Years. Some are not bad and one of the songs are a bit long.

So, hope everyone in the world have a Happy Thanksgiving! (...if you're having one...)

Billiam (a.k.a. The Man Formerly Known As Black Jack, or simply ChineseBoar1995)

Bought Left 4 Dead

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - November 10th, 2008

Happy Halloween, Newgrounders!
Okay, maybe saying that is a little too late, but everyday seems like a Halloween because we're always being scared of something. Especially horror movies (except those stupid movies where the person that's about to get killed screams for 20 minutes.).

Speaking of scary, here's this internet site my brother found a while ago that seems non-scary and easy. SEEMS scary (but it sort of is easy). Hope you like it.

http://www.maniacworld.com/maze_game.h tm

Here's a picture of what it looks like. It should look familiar to those online surfers.

So I hope you guys (and girls) enjoy it. And like I said...Happy (Late) Halloween!

Billiam (a.k.a. ChineseBoar1995)

PS: Coming Soon is my first song coming some time before Christmas.

Check this scary maze out

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - November 10th, 2008

Hello Newgrounders!

After horsing around in the music making network thingy for your computer, I finally made a song that kicks butt. It has really good sound and balance and stuff. All I need to do is add some final touches. It'll probably be out before Christmas. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.

Have a nice day!

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - October 16th, 2008

Hello Newgrounders!

A couple more weeks until the big election day happens here in America. Lots of crazy things happening these past months. Especially when a black man has the possibility of winning this election. But whom can we really trust? Ever since Bush came in for eight years it was starting to be a living hell. Thank god he's gonna be out of there!

So here's the information I got so far on who to vote for:

Barack Obama
1. Young, yet he knows what has to be done
2. Seems friendly
3. black (no offense)

John McCain
1. old=more experience
2. was in military=even more experience
3. Gov. Palin for V. President

...and many more in which I can't think of right now for both of them.

But like I said, whom can we trust? There's always a consequence to be paid if we vote for someone. I think that (a) if we vote for Obama, people wouldn't really like him (rednecks or racists or someone like that) and probably end up shooting him (and also make a mistake about bringing our troops back home from Iraq); or (b) if we vote for McCain, some people will think he might be another Bush under control.

Then again, I don't really care about who's gonna be the next president. So instead ofgiving ideas today, I'd like to take a count on who's gonna be the next president. It's really simple. All you have to do is put down one of the three options: Obama, McCain, or the sentence "I don't give a shit".

So have a nice time here in Newgrounds everyone!

Billiam (a.k.a. ChineseBoar1995)

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - October 4th, 2008

Hello Newgrounders!

Ever had a girlfriend or a boyfriend once in your life? I had one. Her name is none of your concern, but she is a lovely person. I believed in her and trusted her. But ever since we broke up, my life started to become miserable. Nowadays, she's dating all of these guys that are less or much better than me. I didn't want to believe it but I started to realize that she's a whore. She IS a whore. As I learned, love is a sweet thing or a complete distruction of your life...or maybe both.

So instead of giving you ideas for flash making, I'll give you songs from bands that reminds you how you miss the person you love.

1. "I Miss You" by blink 182
2. "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing (I think the remix version)" by Aerosmith
3. "Every Rose Has It's Thorn" by Poison
4. "Every Breath You Take" by The Police
5. "Don't Cry (original version)" by Guns 'n Roses
6. "Always" by blink 182

Those are the best songs I can think of now. So I hope you will enjoy this song a feel my sadness.

Billiam (a.k.a. ChineseBoar1995)

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - September 26th, 2008

Hello again, Newgrounders

The year is almost 2009 and yet we always wonder what kind of movies those movie producers are gonna send out that year. But then again, are those ideas really basically the same as all classic movies? If you look at all these movies during these times, they're just remakes, ideas from comic books, or simply ideas that were thought up by an idiot or a brilliant person. So yeah we are pretty much ran out of ideas. But then again, we always made more interesting for people to see. Like the Dark Knight. Sort of a remake of the first Batman (the one with Jack Nicholeson as the Joker) but improved as hell to make it interesting. So you see, we may be running out of ideas, but due to the new technology we got, those people are gonna kick some ass when the movie comes out...unless it really blows.


1. Remake of Yellow Submarine...only not animated. Use living rock stars.
2. Metroid Prime-try making a trilogy out of the Prime series
(that's pretty much I can think of)

Another thing I like to say is that the new Halo movie is coming out next year I think. If you Newgrounders never saw it before, I be giving you guys the chance to see the first eight minutes of it. It's on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6g1yyW Efks. (and yes, it's on YouTube)

Billiam (a.k.a. ChineseBoar1995)

Are we really running out of ideas?

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - September 21st, 2008

Hey everybody! The name's Billiam (don't ask) but you people can just call me...ChineseBoar. I'm just another ordinary person wasting my time typing comments or watching pointless flash (although most of them are the BOMB, like the Awesome series that Egoraptor does) or even listen to cool music that all these people made. I'm not much of a Flash maker yet (I'm trying to become one but I didn't get the program yet), so instead, I'll go ahead and try to think of ideas I just thought up of so that other artists could make fun of that topic. Some of them are great ideas, and some...well let's just say corny. But famous (and novice) Flash Makers, try out these ideas to make kick-ass movies. I be handing them out from time to time.

So now, I give you: (da da dum!!)
1. Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
2. Turok
3. Barney
4. Sesime Street (god knows how you spell it)

If you Flash Makers used one of these ideas and it became a hit, don't forget to thank me!

-Billiam (a.k.a. ChineseBoar)

Hey there, Newgrounders!