Merry early Christmas, my resolution would be just to not slack off as much. :P
I am music-maker, lyricist, singer, piano/guitar/drum/pa rt-time sax/horrible violin player, actor, wanna-be big-time actor/writer/directo r of movies, and most importantly: somebody.
Age 30, Male
Student, for now...
WRHS (figure that one out)
Somewhere in the house :P
Joined on 8/22/08
Merry early Christmas, my resolution would be just to not slack off as much. :P
Same to you.
That's also one of my resolution too. :p
Merry Christmas to you to and my resolution, I might get better using flash and I having a better life.
Ummm...okay. Have a Merry little Christmas. I'm sure you'll have a better life (and flash too). Don't worry. Everything will be alright.
Have an awesome Cristmas!
Same with you.
merry christmas to you to!
Same with you.
Okay...So that i'm german, i understood not very much... But i'm great in english, ain't i?
Yup, I guess you are.