<a href="http://www.sexyemilie.com/?id=1021483">http://www.sexyemilie.com/?id=1021483 </a>
I am music-maker, lyricist, singer, piano/guitar/drum/pa rt-time sax/horrible violin player, actor, wanna-be big-time actor/writer/directo r of movies, and most importantly: somebody.
Age 30, Male
Student, for now...
WRHS (figure that one out)
Somewhere in the house :P
Joined on 8/22/08
I know you don't wanna talk about or something like that, but why she dump you?
It's not me she dumped. It's just a link I wanted you to look at.
Oh okay.
I think you already said something about embarassing her.
I know nothing about her.
Oh, okay then.
Tim: Hey bill?
Bill: What?
Tim: Guess What?
Bill: What?
Tim: I POSTED A VID!!!!!!!!!!
Who's bill? Unless I'm him.
congratulations boyo ;)
Thanks, m'am.
Well not anymore... it said 3.34 when I went in, so I 5ed it, it seems like it should be under a different category, like indie or something... it's very relaxing. Great job!
God dang it.
Well...it was 4.69 when I checked it. Oh well.
Thanks for the 5. :)