View Profile ChineseBoar1995
I am music-maker, lyricist, singer, piano/guitar/drum/pa rt-time sax/horrible violin player, actor, wanna-be big-time actor/writer/directo r of movies, and most importantly: somebody.

Billiam @ChineseBoar1995

Age 30, Male

Student, for now...

WRHS (figure that one out)

Somewhere in the house :P

Joined on 8/22/08

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990 / 1,110
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ChineseBoar1995's News

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - July 1st, 2010

Hello Newgrounders!

After watching a strange, random compilation movie on Youtube.com, we are planning on making some movies and possibly posting them online. Our first one will probably a trailer thing called "The Random Movie" (title is self explantory). Next one we will probably do a film dub of old Chinese/Japanese movies (say like Street Fighter...and I'm not talking about the Jean-Claude Van Damme one). We will be making more movies after, but some may be posted online.

In other news, I got an idea of starting some flash sometime in the future maybe with some friends of mine. I'm not sure when but I'll announce more if possible.

And now, the kung-fu movie that's so random yet so bloody you're probably curious (or not) about. <CAUTION!!! Contains lots of blood>

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Have a nice day!
Billiam (aka Black Jack)


Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - June 14th, 2010

Hey Newgrounders, and Happy Flag Day to all!

I would just like to say that all my work shall be availble for any flash work you guys are currently working on. As long as you guys get my permission, everything's cool. (=

There are a lot of decent songs I've done that are pretty decent (except the newer ones). The one I'm most appreciative of is my Ambient Song/Walk Down the Beach tune. It's very nice and is the best one I've ever done.

I'd also like to say that music production for me will be post ponned until I can get some decent recording materials (probably a better mic). So no music until I can get better music stuff!

It's also possible that I might post some of my artwork throughout the summer, so keep an eye out for some of my work!

And so, have a nice today everyone!
-Billiam (aka The Guy Formerly Known as Black Jack)

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - April 27th, 2010

Here is the song I was currently worked on, now finished! (although it was a rough recording):
The Ballad of Romeo & Juliet

Enjoy, and please comment while you can!

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - April 24th, 2010

Hello once again, Newgrounders!

I would like to announce that I'll probably be posting 2 songs here again on Newgrounds.

The first song will probably be called "StartedWithABang/Romeo&Juliet" (title under construction). I started working on this one because I had to do this for my English class project about Romeo & Juliet book. I am already sort of all set with the guitars, I just need to work on the lyrics and drumming; and I need to work really hard on the recording. I will be playing all the instruments. Since this song is due to class at this Wednesday, I'll won't be able to post this here until around the end of the month.

The second song will be a redo of my other song,"7 Nation Army (cover)", mostly because it's not doing so great in the standings. The new recording will be more upbeat, and I'll try to throw in a bass. It'll be more challenging, but I'll figure a way out. This song won't posted until near the end of the month.

So right now, it's my goal to finish these 2 songs sometime this week or so. So please, wish me luck!!!

Thanks again, and good day!
-Black Jack

(ps: my xbox LIVE account is chineseboar88, if you feel like playing with me on Modern Warfare 2 or some other game I have.)

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - February 20th, 2010

Hello, Newgrounders!

Here's more ideas for all you flash-makers. However, the main topic of the suggestions are: MUSIC.

1. "I Cut Like A Buffalo" by the Dead Weather. Sure, it's a really strange song, especially with all the odd sounds coming out of Jack White (lead singer in the song, also the drummer of the band). But hey, it would be neat if someone make an animated music vid of the thing.
2. "Through the Fire & Flames" by Dragonforce. I've been holding this one for sometime. I was thinking that instead of a band be playing it, but an orchestra(+chorus)! It'll be the most epic thing ever!!!
3. "Lookin' Out My Back Door" by Creedence Clearwater Revival (CCR). Another weird song if you read the lyrics.
4. "One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer" by George Therogood. Yeah, it's long, but it does make a good story line.
5. Making up a story using a bunch of famous songs by famous group (and JUST by that famous group).

That's all for today, If anyone of you use this ideas, please notify me and post in your "Author's Comments" spot that this was my idea.

Thank you and good day!
-Black Jack

(here are some of the songs I spoke of)

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Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - January 28th, 2010

Hello Newgrounders!

It's certainly been a long time since I posted another post with a big topic. I have been online for quite some time, just playing games and watching movies all the time. But today I'm here to talk about the band with the hit song "Fireflies": Owl City

Now, of course you know, Owl City is a now popular techno-pop band that made their biggest hit so far on their hit song "Fireflies", and has been on the Billboard for around a week due to its most downloaded song online.

But I'm not here to talk about their history, I'm here to ask: WHO LOVES 'EM & WHO HATES 'EM?

Why People Love 'Em: Due to their catchy beats and neat sound, Owl City seems to be loved by everyone because their hit song seems to be like about the people. It's also present style and not always about being in love, but maybe by having faith on something, remebering good times, or maybe even fearing something that scares you...in a good way (like "Dental Care")
To be honest, I did buy the whole album that contained their hit song. I first heard the song and it was very inspirational. Like I'm stuck in a dream. And it had this "feel-good" theme in it, bringing back good memories. The whole album is also good for trying to fall asleep at night. No wonder people like them.

Why People Hate 'Em: However, sometimes having too much "feel-goodness" may ruin the album. In reality, the frontman (and creator of Owl City) Adam Young is a rather strange man. At his 20's, he use to sleep at his parents place for sometime (according to some news sources). And he does act a bit...strange during live acts. Also, his hit song "Fireflies" was made into a music video later, which didn't have much of a success. Like I said, too much "feel-goodness" may ruin the whole thing.

And so I ask you, Newgrounders, is this: DO YOU LOVE OR HATE OWL CITY?

(NOTE: Just to let everyone know, I do not like Owl City too much. It's just that their music is pretty catchy. So please, don't make any dumbass comments that I support Owl City big time.)

(ANOTHER NOTE: Be sure to check out my newest submission of '09, 7 Nation Army (cover), my first recording with guitars, drums, and my voice!)

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Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - January 7th, 2010

Here's a new recording I did during Christmas break. It's not the best recording, but I'll edit this some other time when available.

-->7 Nation Army (cover) by Black Jack (me)

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - July 29th, 2009

Hey Newgrounders!

I don't know if anyone will read this post (I doubt many will), but if you guys can, I would like some ideas for writting songs. It's really hard to think of some nowadays. And maybe you can show me a link of other songs that show your ideas. Please help!

Thanks (to whomever responds)!
-Billiam/Black Jack

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - July 17th, 2009

Hey Newgrounders!

So far I haven't been posting much music anymore in Newgrounds, except the two songs I posted but then later deleated. I'm gonna try out making songs with real instruments instead of using sort-of fake instruments coming from the program I use. I'll probably be using the Audacity program for now on if things go according to plan.

Also, I might do a voice demo when I can. Expect it not to be like TomaMoto's voice demo or any other famous NG artists. I really want to work with other people on making flash.

Have a nice day then!
Billiam/Black Jack

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - June 25th, 2009

Hey Newgrounders!

Holy crap. I knew something like this was going to happen after his "This is it." speech. I mean how the hell this had to happen? This is wierd. The great Michael Jackson is probably dead. Wow.

This news has made my day. Thank god!

-Billiam/Black Jack

(check out my music when you can!)

(R.I.P. anyway, MJ. You were the stuff of legends