View Profile ChineseBoar1995
I am music-maker, lyricist, singer, piano/guitar/drum/pa rt-time sax/horrible violin player, actor, wanna-be big-time actor/writer/directo r of movies, and most importantly: somebody.

Billiam @ChineseBoar1995

Age 30, Male

Student, for now...

WRHS (figure that one out)

Somewhere in the house :P

Joined on 8/22/08

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Short Story. Part 4,5, & 6

Posted by ChineseBoar1995 - December 10th, 2008


Susan was riding the car with her mother, talking about her ex-boyfriend. Her mother said she should find someone else to go out with, but she reminded what she vowed never to do.
Her mother begged her numerous times before, trying to make her go out with a person she knows. Most of those boys her mother knows are pretty nice according to her view. Handsome, too.
Again she denied that idea and said, "Mom, those boys you're talking about are not really my friends because of what strange things they do. Besides, they either end up dumping me or are already going out with someone else." What she said shut her mother up for a while.
Then, after a mile away, her mother said, "Don't worry. As my mother said when I never got a boyfriend was 'Even though no one will love you here, there is always love somewhere or someone else coming around that you'll soon catch.' That was how I met your father."
Susan sat there thinking about what she said. She could be right about that, unless it's another baloney saying her mother just made up. She responded, "Thanks for the advice mom."
Her mother smiled. "You're welcome." Susan felt a little better watching her mother smile.
They were beginning to come up their driveway when her mother stopped near the mailbox and said, "Honey, won't you be a sweetheart and get the mail for me?" Susan got out of the car went towards the mailbox and opened the lid.
It was the usually tax mail that was in there. Then a small envelope fell out of the pile. She picked it up observed it. The front said in horrible handwriting, "Read it. It's good." She discovered a small initials that said BC on it. Who could this be from?
She began to open up the envelope. Inside was a heart-shaped paper with a written poem on it...
Max called Black later on that day and ask him about the poem. He said he gave it to her when he came home. As you would of know, Max's blood ran cold. He was screwed.
What was he going to do? His best friend betrayed him by giving him the letter to the girl he really likes. And she'll probably hate him for writing that. He felt like committing suicide.
He heard Black say on the phone, "Listen, you can't just keep bragging about her everyday about whether you should go out with her or not. Since you really liked her a lot, I guessed it was right to give her that letter. I thought it was beautiful. It should work the same with her."
When Black said that to Max, he was thinking two things at once. The first one is thinking that Black is right and he did the correct thing. The other was saying "Wow. That's the most words I ever heard him say."
So late in the night, Max kept thinking about what Black said to him. A bunch of questions began to pop into his head. Will Susan like the poem, even though it was just a rough draft? Will she ask him out? Or will she despise his work? Is she going to hate Max for the rest of her life?
All this thinking made him drowsy. Besides, who knows what's going to happen.
And so, Max had a poem written for a girl he loved in which was "stolen" and given to her.
When I first saw you, you were the angel in my dream
The sweetness of my ice cream.
Monday. Back to school. Max's arm begins to shake nervously. His heart starting to burning from the moment yet to come.
You were the damsel in distress,
Looking for knight in the shining, armored dress.
Maybe he'll get lucky. Maybe she didn't read it yet. Then he'll probably have a relief that day. For that day.
He thought he felt his heart skip beat.
You were the shooting star,
The sight, bizarre.
Max started heading toward up the stairs, heart beating a little faster. He didn't really see her around, Maybe she is sick today.
Maybe shy to come to school.
Your eyes, oh, your eyes!
I tell the truth, no lies.
He headed toward his locker numbered 799. He prayed she wasn't there.
Everyone was all packed and started to head to the classrooms. Max was almost late for homeroom.
The lips are red as the flames
Hot and spicy as the lips of a beautiful dame.
He felt a little tap on his shoulder. He turned around. This time he felt heart skip a beat.
"Are you...Dimitri Maximillion?" he heard Susan say.
But lady, may I ask a personal question
A question that may give death or a wonderful sensation.
He gulped. "Um...uh...<gulp>yes. I...um, am Dimitri." His hand was shaking like crazy, his heart beating like crazy.
The late bell rang, signaling people who are still in their lockers they are late.
"Um...about your poem...," Susan said quite nervously.
Will you go out with me?
And then, the most magical thing happened. Can you guessed, reader?
She kissed him. Right in the lips of another boy.
When she backed away, she said, "Thank you. It was wonderful." And she went to her classroom, leaving him standing there shocked and motionless.
And you know what he did? He cheered.
And got himself a detention...for being late for class by loitering in the halls.

The End (aka Fin)



Yeah. I know.